Gorkem Sen, born in Istanbul, 1982, started his musical journey with a guitar at home during a one-year rest period after a serious surgery at the age of 13, and then got involved in almost every task that can be done related to "music and sound".
Improvising, composing and finding an original voice, and by experimenting getting caught up in the creative processes of the search summarizes his musical journey.
His years of independent studies on world music and instruments, formed the foundation of his understanding of music, and have provided him with an idea of ​​the music corpus which has been traditionally and modernly reached around the world.
The only department he wanted to study after high school was the conservatory instrument production department however he did not get acceptance to the university. He then studied at the Istanbul Academy of Sound Engineering for 1 year. Afterwards, he completed his Contemporary Western Music education at Bilgi University Music Faculty with a 4-year scholarship.
He produced commissioned music for theater, film, dance and artistic media works before and during his education. He worked in concert halls and as an independent live sound engineer.
After mastering the computer environment, analog and electronic music machines, authentic and current instruments, digital instruments, and many algorithmic programs in order to find original sounds for his own unique understanding of music, he directed his searches to acoustic instruments he designed himself. Gorkem Sen, who encountered “yaybahar” after many experiments, then devoted himself to bringing this rich potential to life in the best way possible. After the invention of the “yaybahar” and the patent of the spring family instrument system, Gorkem continues his experiments and studies day and night in order to reproduce this family of instruments and reach its potential. He currently gives concerts with the instruments he invented, makes music for films, documentaries, and plays, collaborates with other artists and practices sound therapy.
His curiosity of the music world and the passion for research and production continues day by day.